CBD and caffeine - can they go together?!

For most people, coffee is an indispensable part of everyday life. Combining CBD and caffeine might seem contradictory. The effects of these two substances appear to be opposites, as it is known that the former has a relaxing effect and the latter has a stimulating effect. However, the two substances can have compatible effects on the brain, and quite a few CBD users rave about this drink.

The most important benefit of combining caffeine and CBD is that CBD can inhibit the negative effects of caffeine. It is well known that coffee is stimulating, but it can also make you jittery, anxious or stressed.

Drink coffee ➡ get nervous?!
By adding CBD to the coffee, this unwanted coffee effect can be reduced. Thanks to the infusion of the ingredient cannabidiol into coffee, it can also be given calming properties, not least because it stimulates the production of the neurotransmitter GABA*.

GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in the human nervous system. In general, it blocks or inhibits certain signals in the brain and reduces nervous system activity. GABA is therefore credited with a calming effect that reduces restlessness, tension and anxiety.

Drink coffee ➡ stomach rumbling?
CBD can help achieve better digestive balance when consuming coffee. Because our endocannabinoid receptors, to which the CBD docks, are also present throughout the digestive system, and the endocannabinoid system in turn regulates our digestive system.

At the end of the day, the following applies to all coffee drinkers who do not want to miss out on enjoyment and invigoration, but who also want to counteract nervousness and overly stimulated digestion: the proof of the pudding is in the eating!